Friday, July 24, 2015

Dear Republicans, You Are Part of the Problem

I have come to the realization (most) Republicans are lacking sense. Desperate to get one of 'their guys' in the White House, they'll vote for just about anybody they feel has a chance (the same can be said of Democrats, I'm sure). In the previous election, Mitt Romney won over the votes of millions, not because he had anything worthwhile to say, but because he was the only one Republicans felt had a chance to “beat” Barack Obama. Therefore, Republicans who didn't even like Mitt Romney jumped on his bandwagon when it came to making sure Obama didn't spend another term in office. Of course, as I said would happen, Romney failed to win the election.

Why? Well, there are a number of reasons, not the least of which is the fact Romney is virtually a clone of Obama. He has always been remarkably inconsistent with his positions on major social and political issues, while even his healthcare plan was the blueprint for the one Obama would end up passing into law. In other words, one cannot expect to win against something, or someone, by fighting with the same ammunition, so to speak. Just as fire will not extinguish fire, evil cannot defeat evil. But to Republicans, it's all about the lesser of two evils—anything is better than a Democrat, they would argue.

And to a point, sure. Democrats are certainly hypocrites, liars, murderers, thieves—you name it. They wreck this nation year after year, polluting it with their immoral policies, failing to take control of border concerns, oppressing minorities whilst claiming to be civil rights champions, continuously providing arms to terrorist organizations, and stripping away our liberties at the same time. I can understand one's desire for not wanting a liberal as President, because it has been made evident, time and time again, just how backslidden, oppressed, and immoral this nation becomes when we have a Democrat in office.

Of course, one should not argue that most Republican candidates are much better than their Democrat counterparts. Nevertheless, I get it. I understand why electing a Democrat is so unappealing.

But when are Republicans going to learn? When is it going stop being about popularity, and start being about policy? When will Republicans start caring about the Constitution, and stop obsessing over whether their candidate worships Israel? News flash, Republicans: it's time to focus on people who can actually make a difference, and issues which actually matter.

Now, I'm not very old, despite what my gray hairs, bum knee, and achy back tell me, but I am old enough to have paid attention during the previous two Presidential elections. I didn't really have a particular party I subscribed to (not sure I do today, either), and thus, no major bias toward any one candidate. It was more important to me to understand all candidates' positions on all matters, moral and political, just as it was important to weigh the content of their character. I feel Republicans miss the mark in this regard (not to say Democrats don't, but this is an article about Republicans), and have done so consistently for years. It is time to change this.

The reason this article has come to be, is not because I'm opinionated (which I am) and just have something to say (which I do), but because I have been overwhelmed by what people are sharing on social media. And what are they sharing, you ask?

Support for D-Don—.

Sorry, hard to type out.

Support for Donald … Trump. Yup. That's right. At first this simply caused me to scratch my head, mostly from complete surprise as to just how many worshipers he managed to obtain so quickly, but I quickly began to dig a hole in my head from all the scratching when his followers continued to cling onto every word he spoke, and continues to speak. Truly, I'm perplexed, astonished, mystified—you get it.

One thing that is certainly evident to me, is just how sick Americans are of our current Failure in Chief. And this is why I believe someone like Donald Trump is so appealing to conservatives, as he does hit the issues hard and with confidence, as well as without much regard for political correctness. He is giving people a representation of the anger they feel, which seems to translate to Trump being a worthy candidate. Truth be told, we do need a President who isn't afraid to tell it like it is. Donald Trump seems to be doing just that.

“So, Jason, what is your problem with Trump, then?” you ask.

Well, my problem isn't necessarily with Trump. Trump is allowed to be whoever he is going to be, whether I like him or not. My problem is with the thousands upon thousands of Americans too foolish and ignorant to know when they are being used by someone who is merely waving the conservative flag for their own political gain. Why haven't any of you done your research to know where Trump has stood on social and political issues in the past? For those old enough to remember, have you forgotten Trump's strict stance on assault weapons bans, waiting periods, and extensive background checks in 2000, despite his proclaimed support for the second amendment? Or how about as far back as 1990, when he believed (and rightfully so) that we must legalize drugs and bring an end to the drug war, affirming as much yet again in 2011, yet in 2015, excluding medical marijuana, he claims the legalization of drugs is bad (as stated at the 2015 CPAC). Inconsistent much?

It doesn't end there. In 2011, Trump stated that he didn't support gay marriage, nor benefits within that marriage. Yet, in 2015, Trump simply thinks the states need to decide. And whether you agree with his former position or the latter, you cannot deny that in four short years he managed to back down on the situation entirely. On abortion, Trump was 100% pro-choice in 1999 (though, disgusted by abortion itself, I am happy to learn), while today he is pro-life with exceptions of rape, incest, and harm to the mother (as stated at the 2015 CPAC). And again, whether you agree with the former or latter positions, he is clearly changing the song he is singing in order to please the crowd which will get him the votes. That is all there is to it.

Republicans are very vocal about their hatred for ObamaCare. And good for you, Republicans. You're not wrong. It is most certainly something which needs repealed immediately. But did you know your reality TV champion wanted universal healthcare for America? In case you missed that, Donald Trump wanted ObamaCare before there was ObamaCare, but in 2011 and now again in 2015, Trump is caressing the wishes of Republicans by stating his opposition to it. Could it be because he is looking for the votes of people who want real change, and thus, takes the positions most appealing to the side he thinks will win?

I believe this to be the case. Did you know Trump ran as a Democrat once upon a time? In fact, Trump has been very, very supportive of Democrats in the past, namely one Hillary Clinton. But after receiving so much heat for this fact in 2011 (and providing his usual on-the-spot lie to justify his action), he decided, in 2012, to give money only to Republican causes, despite previously stating that doing so was “dumb”! Amazing! Donald Trump serves whichever side serves him. Currently, it is the Republican party he needs to use, and therefore, the Republican party is the one he supports.

How can anyone in their right mind support a man like that? And why do so many people fail to even see this? Yes, Trump talks a big game regarding immigration. And again, I don't disagree with him there. I even respect what I believe is his honest stance on abortion. But come on, Republicans! It's time to start voting for people who aren't self-serving, arrogant frauds. It's time to actually give a damn about this nation by electing leaders who strictly value the Constitution and your freedom. It's time to start giving support to the men and women who don't flip-flop on every issue every few years, who remain consistent in their beliefs and values.

Republicans, you have failed this country. You have failed us time and time again with your incompetence and seemingly inability to make good judgments about the character of a person. All it takes are a few sweet words about Israel, a stronger border, and Jesus, and suddenly the wolves in Republican clothing have your vote.

The time is now to make a change. Will you make a change, or continue to be part of the problem?

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